In this module, you will learn:

  • the different parts of the male and female reproductive organs.
  • the functions of the different parts.

Resources to help you:

  • Textbook: page 147, 148 and 149
  • Notebook: page 38, 39 and 40

Watch the video

Learn about the different organs that make up the human reproductive system



Label of male reproductive organ

The male reproductive organs

Credit: @BluezAce via YayImages

Male Reproductive System

Below are the organs you need to know:

  1. penis
  2. testis (plural: testes)
  3. sperm duct
  4. urethra

Deposit sperm into the vagina


Produces sperm

Sperm duct

Transport sperm from the testes to the urethra


Mainly used to excrete urine. However during sexual reproduction, it is used to transport sperm.

The Human Sperm

A human sperm cell is about 0.06mm long.

Credit: @Bobjgalindo via Wikipedia

The sperm has a head that contains the nucleus that carries the genetic information from the father.

It has a long tail that helps it to swim towards the egg during sexual reproduction.

Female Reproductive System

Below are the organs you need to know:

  1. ovary
  2. oviduct (Fallopian tube)
  3. uterus
  4. vagina
Female reproductive organs label

The female reproductive organs

Credit: @BluezAce via YayImages


Produces the female sex cells


Where egg is released and where fertilisation can occur


Muscular structure where the foetus develops into a baby during pregnancy


It is where sperm are deposited in sexual reproduction. Also known as the birth canal where the foetus leaves the uterus during birth.

The Human Egg

A human egg is about 0.1mm in diameter.

Credit: @Henry Vandyke Carter - Henry Gray via Wikipedia

The egg is spherical in shape. It has a nucleus that carries the genetic information from the mother.

Each ovary produces about 250 mature eggs during the lifetime of a female.

Ready for the next module?

In the next module, we will look at the changes during puberty.

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