In this module, you will learn:

  • use of filtration
  • the set up for filtration

Resources to help you:

  • Textbook: page 79, and 80
  • Notebook: page 32


Filtration is a method to separate liquid from an insoluble solid (solid that does not dissolve).

An example of a solution that can be filtered is water (liquid) and sand (insoluble solid)

A useful example of filtration is to get clean water.

Learn how water from the river is treated before it reach your home


Filtration set up in the lab

Setting up filtration in the lab

To set up filtration, you will need a filter funnel and a filter paper and a beaker or conical flask to collect the filtrate.

Residue and Filtrate

The insoluble solid that is left on the filter paper is called the residue.

The liquid that passed through the filter paper and collected in the container (beaker) is called the filtrate.

Ready for the next module?

In the next module, we will look at evaporation.

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