In this module, you will learn:

  • to identify solute, solvent and solution.
  • why we use water as a solvent

Resources to help you:

  • Textbook: page 77 and 78
  • Notebook: page 31

Water as a solvent

Many substances can dissolve in water. That is why water is considered as a universal solvent.

Some of the examples of substances that can dissolve in water (soluble):

  • sugar
  • salt
  • coffee
  • honey

Some of the examples of substances that can does not dissolve in water (insoluble):

  • sand
  • pepper
  • metal
  • plastic

Sugar being stirred to dissolve it.

Credit: @KinoMaster via Envato elements

Watch the video

See how to identify solute, solvent and solution.


You can change the speed to 0.75x to make it easier to listen.

Solute and solvent to form a salt solution.

Solute, Solvent and Solution

  • Solute is the substance that is dissolved in the liquid.

  • Solvent is the liquid that dissolves the substance.

  • Solution is the result from the formation of a solute and solvent mixed together.

Gas as a solute

Not everything that dissolves in water is a solid like salt or sugar. Gases can also be dissolved in water.

In carbonated drinks such as cola and soda water, the bubbles formed are actually carbon dioxide gas that has been dissolved in the drink.

Apart from our fizzy drinks, gases dissolving in water is important for living things that live in water such as fishes. Oxygen can dissolve in water, and all living things need it.

Sparkling water contains carbon dioxide gas dissolved in it

Credit: @photo_oles via Envato elements

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